Welcome to BioNetwork

The Life Science Training Initiative of the North Carolina Community College System

BioNetwork provides industry-driven economic and workforce development for the biotechnology and life science industries across North Carolina through education, training, and laboratory resources. Our mission is to connect and support Colleges, Companies and Students through professional growth and career pathways.

Explore Life Science Opportunities

Advanced Biomanufacturing Training Program | FDA Audit Preparation


BioNetwork prepares North Carolina's new and incumbent workforce through hands-on industry training. Our classes can be offered onsite in partnership with your local NC Community College.



The BioWork certificate program will teach you the foundational skills you need to begin a career as a process technician for a biotechnology, pharmaceutical, or chemical manufacturing company.

FSPCA Preventive Controls For Human Foods: Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI)

Food, Supplement, and Cosmetics Manufacturing

Advancements in food innovation and changes in FDA regulations have dramatically changed food manufacturing in the United States over the last several years.

Engage Your Students

Career Exploration

STEM Outreach

BioNetwork is dedicated to connecting industry skills with education through a range of career-focused classroom activities, special events, and workshops for students and faculty across North Carolina.

Learn Now

Advanced Technical Writing

Educational Resources

Discover skills, techniques and methods used in Life Science industries to develop products. Advance your knowledge using our catalog of Life Science eLearning Apps and Videos.

Upcoming Events

Spring 2025 Career Fair

Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 3:00 - 6:00 PM

BioNetwork hosts Career Fairs in partnership with biopharmaceutical and life science companies in North Carolina. Theseā€¦